Tuesday, 5 August 2008

DIY Puppy Mask

I've trawled countless of sites to find a cheap one, to no avail.

It dawned on me that I wanted to make a DIY Puppy Play mask. The leather kind. One that I can give as a present to my partner, to show my adoration for him, and make him wag his tail.

Ive seen the kind that I want, now I just want to try and make it.

Its the one on the left, which doesnt look like a Pig...

I've thought up a 'net' method which might make it possible to create a similar dog mask, and all I would need is some strong sturdy leather (could cut up an old coat of mine that I never wear), and some poppers to glue onto it with 'Hard As Nails' or some other potent adhesive. Poppers down the back of the mask to enable easy removal ('ripping it off' effect), and also a small hole in the top part of the nose. The 'snout' part of the mask would need to be double layered, as this needs to be strong as possible to keep the shape, so glue would have to be used in between these layers here. Overall, I think I could blag it.

Apologies for the 'paint' job (usually i'd sketch), but i'm at work, and wanted to try and show you what I mean, while it's still fresh in my head. So here goes.

The 'net' needs some work, but other than that I think it would be a success - with tweaks while its in constrcution. This was born out of being fed up of looking at sites that charge over £90 for a mask - when I think I could em'bark' on making one myself. :)

What do you think? Any suggestions?

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